Over 1900 consultant offices and agencies base their specifications on the NATSPEC system. Organisations – ranging from single person practitioners to most of the largest, pre-eminent consultancies in Australia – rely on the most up to date information provided by a NATSPEC subscription to make sure their specifications represent best professional practice.
Arup Australia Services Pty Ltd
- ACOR Consultants Pty Ltd
- Adhami Pender Architecture
- Aecom Australia Pty Ltd
- AMC Architecture Pty Ltd
- Andrighetto Consulting
- Architectus
- Arup Australia Services Pty Ltd
- Atelier KIPU
- Australian Building Codes Board
- Barmco Mana McMurray Pty Ltd
- Brett Lowe Architect
- Capezio Copeland
- Christopher Lal Architect Pty Ltd
- Cirillo Design Pty Ltd
- CK Architecture
- Collard Clark Jackson (ACT)
- Cord Civil Pty Ltd
- Cox Architecture
- Dezignteam
- DJAS Architecture Pty Ltd
- DNA Architects
- Geocon Constructors (ACT) Pty Ltd
- GHD Australia Pty Ltd
- Guida Moseley Brown Architects
- Hassell
- Jacobs
- Judd Studio Pty Ltd
- Major Projects Canberra
- MATHER Architecture Pty Ltd
- May & Russell Architects Pty Ltd
- Mission Critical Systems Pty Limited
- MN8 Consulting Pty Ltd
- Munns Sly Moore Architects
- Norman Disney & Young
- Oztal Architects Pty Ltd
- Paul Barnett Design Group Pty Ltd
- PELLE Architects
- Peter Adamson Architects Pty Ltd
- Philip Leeson Architects
- Phillips & Associates Architects
- Redbox Design Group
- Robert Thorne Architect Pty Ltd
- Sarah Truscott Architect
- Sellick Consultants Pty Ltd
- Sonder Architects
- SQC Group
- Stantec Australia Pty Ltd
- The Dept of Design
- Townsend & Associates Architects Pty Ltd
- Transport Canberra City Services
- TT Architecture (ACT) Pty Ltd
- TTW (ACT) Pty Ltd
- Turco and Associates (ACT)
- Vital Design Solutions
- WSP Australia Pty Limited
- 360 Degrees Landscape Architects Pty Ltd
- 3EM Structure Pty Ltd
- 50one Pty Ltd
- 5 Star Builders
- 6 Sides Architecture
- A & N Design Group Pty Ltd
- A Studio Architecture Pty Ltd
- Aaron Hall Architects Pty Ltd
- Abeo Architects
- Absolute Design Group P/L
- Acciona Cobra JV
- ACOR Consultants Pty Ltd
- ADA Consulting Pty Ltd
- Adadra Building Services Group
- ADG Architects
- ADM Architects
- ADP Consulting Pty Ltd (NSW)
- Adrian Price Architect
- ADS Associates Pty Ltd
- Advanced Buildings
- AECOM Australia Pty Ltd
- AJH Architecture & Interiors Pty Ltd
- Alderson Edwards Engineering & Associates
- Aleksandar Gordan
- Alex Bryden Architecture
- Alex Chistiakoff Architect
- Alexander & Lloyd Australia Pty Ltd
- Alexander Symes Architect
- Algorry Zappia & Associates Pty Ltd
- Alleanza Architecture
- Altis Design Pty Ltd
- Altura Solutions
- Amanda Izzard Design
- Amicus Interiors (NSW)
- Aminga Holdings Pty Ltd
- Amy Scott Architect
- Anderson Architecture
- Andre Porebski & Associates Pty Ltd
- Angel Mah-Chut Pty Ltd
- Anthony Joseph
- Anthony Reed & Fiona Morley
- AO Design Studio
- ARA Electrical Services Pty Ltd T/a Bass Electrical Pty Ltd
- Arcadia Design Group
- Archadia Projects
- Archebiosis Design
- Archer Design
- Archicode Workshop
- Archienovus
- Archisoul Architects
- Architect George
- Architect Marshall
- Architectural Projects Pty Ltd
- Architecture Saville Isaacs Pty Ltd
- Architectus
- Architelle
- Architettura Viva
- Archivore
- Area Architects
- Armidale Regional Council
- Art House Building Design
- Artiva Architects
- Arup Australia Services Pty Ltd
- Assemblage
- Aston Consulting (NSW)
- Atelier 41
- Atelier Architecture
- Atelier Luke Pty Ltd
- Aurora Design Pty Ltd
- Ausgrid
- Australian Consulting Architects Pty Ltd
- Axel Richter Architect
- B Creative Architecture + Photography
- B Plus A Pty Ltd
- Baker Kavanagh Architects Pty Ltd
- Ballast Point
- Barbara Tarnawski Architects
- Barnson Pty Ltd
- Barry Rush + Associates Pty Ltd
- Base
- Bassmann Drafting Services
- Baxter & Jacobson Architects Pty Ltd
- Bayside Council (Rockdale Branch)
- Beca Pty Ltd
- Be Creative Studio
- Bega Valley Shire Council
- Ben Gerstel Architecture
- Ben Hanna
- Benn and Penna Architects
- Bensen & Partners Pty Ltd
- Bensen Mccormack Architecture
- Bergstrom Architects Pty Ltd
- Berrigan Shire Council
- Besley Spresser Pty Ltd
- Beyond Space Residential Design
- BG & E Pty Ltd
- BHI Architects
- Bico Australia Pty Limited
- BIJL Architecture
- Billard Leece Partnership
- Birzulis Associates
- BJWC Architecture
- Blacktown City Council
- Blank Space Design Studio
- Bloomfield Architects Pty Ltd
- Blue Mountains Building Design
- Blue Mountains City Council
- Blue Mountains Drafting
- BluKube Architecture
- Bluprintz Pty Ltd
- BMHP Group Pty Ltd
- BND Design & Drafting
- BN Group (NSW)
- BNMH Architects
- Bow Goold Pty Ltd
- Brain Storm Design Studio Pty Ltd
- Brcar Morony Architecture Pty Ltd
- Breakspear Architects
- Breathe Design
- Brewster Hjorth Architects
- Brewster Murray Pty Ltd
- Bronwyn Bellemore
- Brooklyn Towns Pty Ltd
- BTB Architecture Studio
- Building Commission NSW
- Building Environments Pty Ltd
- Building Services Engineers
- Buildster Pty Ltd
- Burley Katon Halliday
- Burtenshaw Scoufis Architecture Pty Ltd
- Burwood Council
- C & M Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd
- C A Group Architects
- Cabonne Council
- Cactus Design and Drafting
- Calare Civil Pty Ltd
- Calder Flower Architects Pty Ltd
- Caldis Cook Group Pty Ltd
- Camden Council
- Candalepas Associates
- Cargo Design
- Carmel La Rocca Building Designs
- Castlepeake Consulting Pty Ltd
- Cateaux Architects
- CCC Engineering
- Celia Carroll Architect
- Centred Building Design
- Centric Architects Pty Ltd
- Challis Smedley Architect
- Chris Jacotine & Partners
- Chris Legge-Wilkinson Architects
- Chris Thompson Building Design
- Chrofi
- Ciliberto Pty Ltd
- City of Canada Bay Council
- City of Canterbury Bankstown
- City of Parramatta Council
- City of Ryde
- City of Sydney (Council)
- CKDS Architecture
- Clarence Consultants Pty Ltd
- Clarke Hopkins Clarke
- Classic Plans
- Clayton Orszaczky
- Climatech
- Clouston Associates (Aust) Pty Ltd
- CO-AP (Architects)
- Cobar Shire Council
- Coffs Harbour City Council
- Collins & Turner Pty Ltd
- Commonplace
- Complete Urban Solutions
- Constructive Dialogue Architects' Studio
- CONTEXT Landscape Design Pty Ltd
- Conybeare Morrison
- Cook and Roe
- Core Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd
- Coverite Project
- Cowra Shire Council
- Cox Architecture
- Cradle Design
- Crawford Architects Pty Ltd
- Creative Vision
- Crest Air Conditioning Pty Ltd
- Csaba Kollanyi & Associates Pty Ltd
- Cullen Feng Pty Ltd
- Cullinan Ivanov Partnership
- Cumberland Council (Holroyd Branch)
- Cunningham Gill Architects
- Curry PM
- D Studio Architects Pty Ltd
- D&C Projects Pty Ltd
- D.R.Design (NSW) Pty Ltd
- DA Designworx Pty Ltd
- Dalgliesh Ward and Associates Pty Ltd
- Daracon Group
- Darren Campbell Architect
- David Bonouvrie
- David Cooper Building Design
- David Parsons Architect
- David Scobie Architects Pty Ltd
- David Selden Design
- David Stibbard Construction Pty Ltd
- David Wilson Architect
- Davis Architects
- Davis Architecture and Design (DA & D) Pty Ltd
- DCMC Pty Ltd
- De Angelis Taylor & Associates
- de Groot Building Design & Construction
- Deane Poile Designs
- DECUS Interiors
- Delisle Hunt Wood Pty Ltd
- DEM Australia Pty Ltd
- Dennis Bunt Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd
- Dept of Education - School Infrastructure NSW
- Dept of Education North Western NSW Asset Management Unit
- Dept of Education NSW
- Dept of Regional NSW - Public Works Advisory
- Design 5 Architects Pty Ltd
- Design Confidential
- Design Pad Architecture
- Design Studio 22 Australia Pty Ltd
- Design Studio Group Pty Ltd
- Design Workshop Australia
- Designcorp Architects Pty Ltd
- DesignInc Sydney Pty Ltd
- Designs At M
- Dieppe Design Pty Ltd
- Distinctive Gardens & Interiors Pty Ltd
- DJAS Architecture Pty Ltd
- DJRD Pty Ltd
- DKT Studio Pty Ltd
- Donald Bessell
- Donn Architects Pty Ltd
- Douglas Checinski
- Douglas Howard Architect
- Downie North Architects
- DRA Architects Pty Ltd
- Drafting Help Pty Ltd
- DRB Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd
- Drew Dickson Architects
- Drummond & Rosen Design Pty Ltd
- DTB Family Trust
- Dubbo Regional Council
- Dungog Shire Council
- DUO Architects Pty Ltd
- Dutaillis Architects Pty Limited
- DW & SL Baxter Pty Ltd
- E P Architects
- East Coast Building Consultants
- Eaton Molina Architects Pty Ltd
- Eckersley O’Callaghan Pty Ltd
- Eco Shield Systems
- EcoDesign Architects
- Edward Szewczyk & Associates
- Edwards and Vickerman Consulting Engineers P/L
- EI Consulting Engineers
- EJE Architecture
- Electrical Design Consulting
- Electrical Projects Australia Pty Ltd
- Elk Designs Newcastle
- Ellis Studio Architects
- Emily Knight Design Pty Ltd
- Emily Saunders, Architect
- Emma K Hallam
- Enstruct Group
- Entec Consultants
- Entrance Hall Pty Ltd
- Environa Studio
- Envirotecture
- EPES Pty Ltd
- Epic Architecture
- Equilibria
- Erbas & Associates Pty Ltd
- Ergo Architecture and Interiors
- Eurobodalla Shire Council
- Facility Design Group
- Fender Katsalidis (Aust) Pty Ltd
- Figgis & Jefferson Architects
- fjcstudio
- Footprint (NSW) Pty Ltd
- Form 4 Architects
- Form By Design
- Fortey & Grant Architecture
- Foxrun Commercial Building PL
- Frank Kosztelnik and Associates
- Frost Architecture and Design
- Fuse Architects
- Futureflip Pty Ltd
- G3 Architecture Pty Ltd
- Gallagher Studio
- Gardner Wetherill & Associates
- Garry Stanley Architect
- Gasparini Luk Architect
- Gelder Group Architect
- Gensler Australia Pty Ltd
- Gerald Gilchrist and Associates Pty Ltd
- Geyer Services Pty Ltd
- GHD Australia Pty Ltd
- Giles Tribe Architects Pty Ltd
- Gong Architecture
- Goulburn Mulwaree Council
- GP Building Design
- GPG Architecture & Design
- Graeme Butler Design
- Graham Bakewell Architect
- Grain Architects
- Gran Associates Australia Architects
- Graphite Architects
- Gray Puksland Pty Ltd (NSW)
- Greenbox Architecture
- Greenscape Design
- Griffith City Council
- Ground Ink Pty Ltd
- Group GSA Pty Ltd
- Grove Architects
- GSBN Studio
- Hampton Architecture
- Hancock Architects
- Hanna Newman Associates
- Hassell
- HATCH Architects
- Havenhand & Mather Architects Pty Ltd
- Haviland Architects
- Hayball
- Health Projects International
- Hebden Architects
- Hector Abrahams Architects Pty Ltd
- Henry Hymas
- Heritage 21
- High House Design
- Hill Lockart Architects
- Hill Thalis Architecture & Urban Projects Pty Ltd
- Hilltops Council
- Hoover Group
- Hornsby Shire Council
- Hortscape Newcastle Pty Ltd
- Hot Black Pty Ltd
- Howard K Smith & Associates Pty Ltd
- HSArchitects Pty Ltd
- Humphrey & Edwards Pty Ltd
- Hungerford Edmunds Pty Ltd
- Hunter H20
- Hydro Tech Solutions
- Ian Jones Design
- ICG Constructions
- Icono Building Design
- Ignite Architects Pty Ltd
- IGS Pty Ltd
- IINGEN Pty Ltd
- IINTEGR Architecture Pty Ltd
- Illawarra Building Certifiers
- Imagescape Design Studios
- Imperial Apartments
- Includesign Pty Ltd
- Inncontrol Pty Ltd ATF Gosling Trading Trust
- Inner West Council
- Innovate Architects
- Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia (NAMS)
- Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia (NSW)
- Integrated Design Group
- Inverell Shire Council
- Isthmus Pty Ltd
- Izzat Consulting Engineers
- Jackson Teece Architecture
- Jacobs
- Jakaan Architects
- Jane Irwin Landscape Architecture
- Janssen Designs
- JASMAX (NSW) Aust Limited
- Jason Topic Architect
- Jasper Swann Pty Ltd
- Jennifer Castaldi Architect
- Jessica Matson Architecture Pty Ltd
- JDH Architects
- JHA Consulting Engineers (NSW) Pty Ltd
- JIH Building Design
- Jill Gleave - Architect
- Jirgens Civil
- JK Williams Contracting
- JMH Living Design
- John McAslan + Partners (Australia) Pty Ltd
- John Rayner Architecture
- John Welsh
- Jones Lang Lasalle (NSW) Pty Ltd
- Jordan Mealey & Partners T/as Tasman Design
- Jorge Hrdina Architects
- Josephine Hurley Architecture
- JPA & D Australia Pty Ltd
- JSBC Consulting
- Just Architects
- K. R. Lukeman & Associates
- Kann Finch Pty Ltd (NSW)
- Kardum Designs
- Karen Burke Architect
- Kate Mountstephens Architecture + Heritage
- Katrina Passer Architect
- Katris Architects Pty Ltd
- Kelley Covey Group
- Kempsey Shire Council
- Kevin Snell Architects
- Kim Jones Architects Pty Ltd
- Kind Architecture Pty Ltd
- King & Campbell Pty Ltd
- Klaus Carson Studio
- Koichi Takada Architects
- Korkis Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd
- Ku-ring-gai Council
- Kuri Studio
- Kuttner Collins & Partners Pty Ltd
- KVMZV Architecture
- Kycel P/L - T/S ACA Design Consultants
- Kyearn Architecture
- Lacoste + Stevenson Architects
- Lahz Nimmo Architects Pty Ltd
- Lake Macquarie City Council
- Lane Cove Council
- Leaf Architecture
- Leckring Pty Ltd t/as MI Engineers
- Leffler Simes Pty Ltd
- Lendlease Building Pty Ltd
- Lewis and Zwart Architecture
- Lighting Art & Science Pty Ltd
- Lindsay Hodda
- Liquid Design Pty Ltd
- Liskowski Fox Architects
- Liverpool City Council
- Local Architect South Coast
- Local Government Engineering Services
- LOCI Design Collective
- Logan Architecture
- Long Blackledge Architect Pty Ltd
- Lorna Sinac Design
- LP Consulting Australia Pty Ltd
- LT Design Pty Ltd
- LTAA Architecture
- Lucas Stapleton Johnson & Partners
- Luke Moloney Architecture
- Lukin Design
- Luxitecture
- Lyle Marshall & Partners
- M & G Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd
- M.R Services
- Macartney Engineering Consultants Pty Ltd
- Maitland & Butler Pty Ltd
- Maitland City Council
- Marchese Partners International Pty Ltd
- Mark G Golden & Associates
- Mark Shapiro Architects
- Maria Ikimis-Healey
- Marline Newcastle Pty Ltd
- Marquez Pty Ltd
- Marston Architects
- Maryanne Taskovski Architect
- Mathieson Architects Pty Ltd
- Matic By Design
- Matt Carrall Architect
- MCA Architects Pty Ltd
- McCallum Hydraulics
- McGaw Consulting Pty Ltd
- McGregor Coxall [Sydney]
- McIntosh & Phelps Pty Ltd
- McKendry Hunt Architects
- MD&A Architects Australia Pty Ltd
- Melinz Kim & Associates
- Melissa Wilson Landscape Architects
- Metis Group
- Michael Clarke Architects
- Michael Cumming Architects Pty Ltd
- Michael E & C Megan Jones Pty Ltd
- Micheal Fountain Architects Pty Ltd
- Michele Harding Architects
- Michiru Higginbotham Pty Ltd
- Mid Western Regional Council
- MidCoast Council
- Midcoast Design & Drafting
- Migliorino Architects Pty Ltd
- Mirvac Design Pty Ltd
- MJ Cassidy and Associates Pty Ltd
- MJD Design and Drafting
- MK Draft & Design
- MM Architects
- MOAA Pty Ltd
- Modulate Group
- Moir Landscape Architecture
- Monad Design
- Moree Plains Shire Council
- Morgia-Giffen Pty Ltd
- Morrison Design Partnership Pty Ltd
- Mosca Pserras Partnership
- Mott MacDonald Australia
- MSK Architects Pty Ltd
- Murray James / NRML Pty Ltd
- Murray River Council
- Museums of History NSW
- Muswellbrook Shire Council
- MYD Consulting Engineers
- Myrtle Studio
- Myson + Berkery Architects P/L
- n2 Engineering Consultants Pty Ltd
- Narrabri Shire Council
- Narromine Shire Council
- Natalie Mowday
- Nathalie Curtet Architect
- Nathan Etherington Architect
- NBRS & Partners Pty Ltd
- NDP Hydraulics
- Nettleton Tribe
- NewScape Design
- Nicholas Bray Landscapes
- Nicholas Flatman Architecture Pty Ltd
- Nicholas Tang Holdings P/L
- Nimbus Architecture and Heritage
- NKT Architecture Pty Ltd
- Noho Architecture
- Nordon Jago Architects Pty Ltd
- Norman Disney & Young
- Northcroft Australia Pty Ltd
- Northern Beaches Council (Warringah Branch)
- Northrop Consulting Engineers
- NS Studio
- Nutbrook Engineering Group
- O + H Architects [OHA]
- Oberon Council
- Oceanarc Architects Byron Bay
- OCP Architects Pty Ltd
- Oculus Architecture
- Oculus Pty Ltd
- Oikos Architects
- One Pipe Pty Limited T/AS Glenn Haig & Partners
- Onemile Designs Pty Ltd
- Orange City Council
- Orion Group
- Orwell & Peter Phillips
- P3A Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd
- PAAL Kit Homes
- Paddock Studio Pty Ltd
- Palfreeman Sweeney Pty Ltd
- PandA Studio Architecture
- Papesch Architecture
- Paragrid Pty Ltd
- Parkes Shire Council
- Patton Architects Pty Ltd
- Paul O'Keefe Architects Pty Ltd
- Paynter Dixon Constructions
- PBD Architects & Project Managers Pty Ltd
- Peace Plan Designers
- Pedavoli Architects Pty Ltd
- Penrith City Council
- Perrem Design - Construction
- Perspective Group Pty Ltd
- Peter Sullivan & Associates Pty Ltd
- Pettet Architects
- pg.A.services
- pH+
- Philip Atkin Specifications
- Pinedale Drafting and Design
- Place Studio
- Plan Centre Design Pty Ltd
- Plan Vision Australia
- Plan&Simple Pty Ltd
- Platino Properties Pty Ltd
- Plus Minus Design
- PMDL Architecture & Design
- PNB Architecture
- Port Macquarie Hastings Council
- Port Stephens Council
- PRD Architects
- Premise (Orange)
- Project Hemesphere
- Project One Drafting
- Project Works Design Pty Ltd
- Projects Site Architecture Group
- PTW Architects
- Purcell Architecture Australia Pty Ltd
- Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council
- Quinn O‘Hanlon Architects
- R.Koncept
- RAAarchitects Pty Ltd
- Rainsford Architecture
- RasCraft Drafting
- Red Blue Architecture + Design P/L
- Redfern Lynch Architects
- Reggie's Residential Design & Drafting
- Regional Procurement
- Regional Workshop Pty Ltd T/A Webber Architects
- Reid Campbell (NSW) Pty Ltd
- Reliant Concepts Pty Ltd
- RFA Architects Pty Ltd
- Richard Cole Architecture
- Richard Stone Design
- Ro Workshop
- Robertson & Hindmarsh
- Rod Ellis Pty Ltd
- RODA Architects Pty Ltd
- Romanos Consulting Pty Ltd
- Ross D Colquhoun Architect Pty Ltd
- Ross Howieson Architects Pty Ltd
- Rossmark Pty Ltd
- Roth Architect Pty Ltd
- Rothshire Pty Ltd
- RTC Group
- Rush
- Sala4D
- Sam Crawford Architect
- SARM Architects Pty Ltd
- SBA Architects Pty Ltd
- Scale Architecture Pty Ltd
- Scape Design Pty Ltd
- Scott Carver Pty Limited
- SCP Consulting Pty Ltd
- SDA Structures Pty Ltd
- Seaside Homes Pty Ltd
- Services 4 Buildings Pty Ltd
- Seven Mile Architects
- SGDN Design
- SHAC Pty Ltd
- Shaddock Architects
- SHADE Architects
- Shakeup Architecture
- Sheer Designs
- Sheldes Studio T/as Lucia Ayub
- Shellshear Young Pty Ltd
- Sheridan Miller + Associates
- Shire Building Design
- Shoalhaven City Council
- Shutte & Kennard Consulting Engineers
- Silk Consulting Landscape Architects
- Singleton Council
- Sissons Architects
- SJE Consulting Engineers
- SMEC Australia Pty Ltd
- Smith & Tzannes Pty Ltd
- SMK Consultants Pty Ltd
- Solis Haus
- South Space
- Southwell Design and Drafting
- Space Plus / Joung Design
- Space Studio Pty Ltd
- Space Urban
- Sprout Landscape Architecture Pty Ltd
- Squillace Architects
- SRP Design & Drafting Pty Ltd
- Stabilcorp Pty Ltd
- Stack Studio Pty Ltd
- Stanic Harding Pty Ltd
- Stantec Australia Pty Ltd
- Stanton Dahl Architects
- Starplus Homes Pty Ltd
- State Asphalts NSW Pty Ltd
- Statiker
- Steensen Varming Australia Pty Ltd
- Stefan Perumal
- Stephen Varady Associates
- Stirling and Andie
- Structability Pty Ltd
- Structural Engineering Services Pty Ltd
- Studio AC & Co
- Studio Alura
- Studio Apto
- Studio GL Pty Ltd
- Studio IZ Pty Ltd
- Studio Johnston
- Studio Kaaki Pty Ltd
- Studio Katz Architecture and Interiors
- Studio Parisi
- Studio Prineas
- Studio Saggus Pty Ltd
- Studio Shand Pty Ltd
- Studio Simeon
- Studio Two Architecture
- Studioplusthree
- Sue Connor Architects
- Sunrai Designs
- Superior Designs
- sutersARCH Pty Ltd
- Sutherland Shire Council
- Suzannah Potts Architecture
- Sydney Access Consultants
- Sydney Harbour Federation Trust
- System Architects
- TAFE Digital
- Talbot Park NSW Pty Ltd T/A Alliance Consulting Engineers
- Tallowwood Architecture
- Tanner Kibble Denton Architects
- Taylor & Ward Pty Ltd
- Taylor Brammer Landscape Architects Pty Ltd
- Taylor Thomson Whitting (NSW)
- Taylored Designs & Drafting Pty Ltd
- Team 2 Architects
- Technik Huas Pty Ltd
- Technology Network Corporation
- Tenterfield Shire Council
- Tessra
- The Architecture Company Pty Ltd
- The Bloomfield Group
- The Hadd Group Pty Ltd
- The Hills Shire Council
- The Scene Agency
- The Studio Collaborative
- The Trustee for the Carter Williamson Peake Architects Unit Trust
- Thom Wright Architect
- Those Architects
- Thurlow Studio Pty Ltd
- THW Architects
- Timandsarahk
- Timothy Shiu Architecture
- TJK Design Pty Ltd
- Tobias Partners Pty Ltd
- Together Design Studio Pty Ltd
- Tonkin Consulting Pty Ltd
- Topio Graphica Landscape Architects
- Toth and Partners Pty Ltd
- Towndrow Pty Ltd
- Tract Consultants Pty Ltd
- Triaxial Consulting Pty Ltd
- Tribe Studio
- Turf Design Studio
- Turnbull Engineering
- Turner Studio
- Tweed Shire Council Planning & Design Unit
- Two Form Architecture + Interior Design
- Two Ms Pty Ltd
- Tyrrell Studio
- Tzannes Associates Pty Ltd
- Tziallas Architects Pty Ltd
- Urakawa Jenkins
- Urban Moose Design Pty Ltd
- Urbanistica Pty Ltd
- Urbanvision Architects
- Urbis Pty Ltd
- Utz Sanby Architects
- Van Der Meer Consulting
- Verte Design
- Vibe Architects
- Visionata Architects
- Vtas
- Wagga Wagga City Council
- Walgett Shire Council
- Walknorth Architects
- Walter Barda Architecture
- Warren Shire Council
- Warrumbungle Shire Council
- Watt Architecture Pty Ltd
- Wayne Ellis Architect
- Webb Australia Group Pty Ltd (NSW)
- Weddin Shire Council
- Wellstructured
- Welsh and Major Architects
- Wendy Wheatley Architect
- Wentworth Shire Council
- Western Sydney University
- Westlake Punnett
- White + Dickson Architects
- Whitehouse Building Design
- William Loader - Architectural & Marine Design
- Willoughby City Council
- Wind Architects
- Wingecarribee Shire Council
- Witzig Schulz Architects & Planners
- WMK Architecture Pty Ltd
- Wollongong City Council
- Woodman Architects
- Woods Bagot Pty Ltd - Sydney
- Woodward Architects Pty Ltd
- Woolacotts Consulting Engineers
- Wray & Cutcliffe Architects
- WSCE Pty Ltd
- WSP Australia Pty Limited
- Xavier Knight Pty Ltd
- Yan Honda Architects
- Yass Valley Council
- Yerrabingin
- Zara Build & Design
- ZED Certifiers Pty Ltd
- Zenith Landscape Designs
- Zhinar Architects Pty Ltd
- Zinc Design Studio
- ACOR Consultants Pty Ltd
- Aecom Australia Pty Ltd
- Alice Springs Hospital
- Andrea Rice Architects
- Architectus
- Arup Australia Services Pty Ltd
- BCA Engineers Pty Ltd
- Bennett Architecture Pty Ltd
- City of Darwin
- Clouston Associates (Australia) Pty Ltd (NT)
- Cox Architecture
- Dept of Logistics and Infrastructure (NT)
- DKJ Projects Architecture
- GHD Australia Pty Ltd
- Hassell
- Jacobs
- Norman Disney & Young
- Platt Architects
- Rattlepod Landscape Pty Ltd
- ROSSI Architects
- Sitzler Pty Ltd
- Stantec Australia Pty Ltd
- Steve Adler Building Design
- Susan Dugdale and Associates
- Territory Property Group Pty Ltd
- WSP Australia Pty Limited
- 8i Architects Pty Ltd
- ACOR Consultants Pty Ltd (QLD)
- ADP Consulting Pty Ltd (QLD)
- Aecom Australia Pty Ltd
- Alight Contractors Pty Ltd
- Alluvium Consulting Australia
- Alpha Architects
- AMF Building Design
- Anderson Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd
- Angus Mackenzie Architect
- Architectural Collaborative Pty Ltd
- Architecture 38 Pty Ltd T/A Map Solutions
- Architecture Xchange Pty Ltd
- Architectus
- Arklab Architecture
- Armstrong & Co Architects
- Arup Australia Services Pty Ltd
- Ashburner Francis (QLD)
- Aspect Design Studio
- Avant Consulting Engineers
- Beat Architects
- Bickerton Masters Architecture Pty Ltd
- Biscoe Wilson Architects
- Blackburne Jackson Design Pty Ltd
- Bligh Tanner Pty Ltd
- Bornhorst & Ward Pty Ltd
- Brisbane City Council
- BRW Hydraulics Pty Ltd
- Buchan (QLD)
- Building Services Integration Pty Ltd
- Bundaberg Regional Council
- Burchills Engineering Solutions
- Burleigh Beach Designs
- CA Architects Pty Ltd
- Cad Impresa
- Cairns Regional Council
- Campbell Constructions Co
- Carol Dowd Architects
- Carolyn Mclean Architect
- Ceccato + Associates, Architects Pty Ltd
- Central Queensland University
- Clarke & Prince Pty Ltd
- COBiE Group
- Concrete Skate Parks Pty Ltd
- Contour Consulting Engineers
- Cottee Parker Architects Pty Ltd
- Cox Architecture
- CP - Architects Pty Ltd
- Cushway Blackford & Associates
- CUSP (Qld) Pty Ltd
- CW Chandler Architect
- Dawson's Technical Services P/L
- dbARCH
- Dept of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works
- DesignTek Pty Ltd
- Dileigh Consulting Engineers
- Dillon Architects Pty Ltd
- DJAS Architecture Pty Ltd (QLD)
- dm2architecture
- DMA Engineers
- Downer Group
- Drummond Architecture
- Eighty20 Pty Ltd
- Electrical Engineering Design Pty Ltd
- Elia architecture
- Ellis Air Conditioning (Qld) Pty Ltd
- Energy Queensland
- Engeny Australia Pty Ltd
- Engineering Design Global Enterprise Pty Ltd
- Enrich Architecture
- Fender Katsalidis (Aust) Pty Ltd
- Fraser Coast Regional Council
- Fulton Trotter Architects
- G A Hobbs & Associates Pty Ltd
- George Kassos Architects
- GGI Architects
- GHD Australia Pty Ltd
- Giarola Architects
- GJG Architects
- Gladstone Drafting
- Gladstone Regional Council
- Gold Coast City Council
- Guymer Bailey Architects Pty Ltd
- Hall Architects Pty Ltd
- Hassell
- Hayball
- Hinchinbrook Shire Council
- Hutchinson Builders (QLD)
- I4Architecture Pty Ltd
- Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia (QLD)
- Jacobs
- James Cubitt Architects Pty Ltd
- Jeremy Ferrier Landscape Architect Pty Ltd
- John Mongard Landscape Architect
- Julianne McAlloon Architects
- Ko + Co Architecture
- Kramer Ausenco (Pacific) Pty Ltd
- Lat Studios
- LCJ Engineers Pty Ltd
- Leithal Designs Pty Ltd
- Lifestyle Home Designs
- Liquid Blu Pty Ltd
- Logan City Council
- Luga Architecture
- M3 Architecture
- Mackay Regional Council
- Marcus Roberts Architect
- Mark Baldock Landscape Architect
- McClintok Engineering Group
- McGregor Coxall [Brisbane]
- McLellan Bush Architects
- McVeigh Consultants Pty Ltd
- MDA Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd
- ME Architect
- Metro South Health
- Milanovic Neale Consulting Engineers
- Mircovich & Mircovich Architects
- Mode Design Corp Pty Ltd
- Mott MacDonald
- Mullins Consulting Pty Ltd
- Multi Span Australia Pty Ltd
- Nancy Lau Architect
- Nicholas Harvey Architect
- Norman Disney & Young
- Novum
- O'Neill Architecture
- O2LA
- Orion Project Consulting Pty Ltd
- Paul Uhlmann Architects
- PAWA Architecture Pty Ltd
- Peddle Thorp Architects
- People Oriented Design
- Peter Eustace & Associates Pty Ltd
- Phillips Smith Conwell Architects
- PLACE Design Group
- Powell Dods and Thorpe Pty Ltd (Townsville)
- Project Leaders Pty Ltd
- Projex Partners Pty Ltd
- Quinlan Engineering Services Pty Ltd
- Rachel Norman Architect
- Ralph Power Associates P/L
- Reddog Architects
- Reddoor Architecture
- RMA Engineers
- Robert Bird Group
- Rockhampton Regional Council
- Rogue Engineering
- Savage Architecture PM P/L
- Series Two Architects Pty Ltd
- Shepherd Services Pty Ltd
- Simon Downes Design Pty Ltd
- Sims White Architecture
- Skewed Consulting Pty Ltd
- Skott Consulting
- Social and Affordable Housing Growth
- Spacial Studio Pty Ltd
- SSHYNE Pty Ltd
- Stantec Australia Pty Ltd
- Stephen de Jersey Architect Pty Ltd
- Stewart Design Studio
- STP Consultants
- Summit Architects Pty Ltd
- Suzan Quigg Landscape Design
- Tanya Mathers Architecture
- Teknemodus Pty Ltd
- Thomson Adsett & Partners Pty Ltd
- Tippett Schrock Architects
- Tonic Design Pty Ltd
- Tonkin Consulting
- Tony Madden Architects & Interiors Pty Ltd
- Townsville City Council
- Trapp Architects
- Tropique Building Design
- TVS Partnerships Pty LTd (GC)
- Vabasis Pty Ltd
- Walkerbai Consulting Pty Ltd
- Wallace Brice Architecture
- Watson Architects Pty Ltd
- Webb Australia Group (QLD) Pty Ltd
- Whitsunday Regional Council
- Wildeisen & Associates
- Wiley & Co Pty Ltd
- Williams Architects
- Wilson Architects
- WIM Architects
- Woods Bagot Pty Ltd - Brisbane Waterfront Place
- WSP Australia Pty Limited
- ZAP Creative Pty Ltd
- 3D Design and Drafting Adelaide
- 4D Design
- ACOR Consultants Pty Ltd
- Adelaide Building Engineering Group
- Aecom Australia Pty Ltd
- Albie Design Studio
- Anaglypta Architecture
- Anthony Cirocco Design
- Architects Ink Pty Ltd
- Architectus
- Architology
- Arup Australia Services Pty Ltd
- Ashley Halliday Architects
- Baukultur Pty Ltd
- BCA Engineers
- Beauchesne Operating Pty Ltd atf The Beauchesne Unit Trust T/a Arkhitekton
- Bell Architecture
- BESTEC Pty Ltd
- Beyond Ink
- BGK Contech Pty Ltd
- Birdseye Studios
- Black Rabbit Architecture + Interiors
- Bohdan Dorniak & Co Pty Ltd
- Brooksby Design & Drafting
- Brown Falconer Group Pty Ltd
- Carumag
- CF Design
- Chapman Herbert Architects Pty Ltd (SA)
- Chasecrown Pty Ltd
- Cheesman Architects Pty Ltd
- Chris Dimond Architect
- City Collective
- City of Adelaide Council
- City of Charles Sturt
- City of Marion
- City of Onkaparinga
- City of Salisbury
- City of Tea Tree Gully
- CLOVER - Green Space
- Cox Architecture
- CPR Engineers Pty Ltd
- Cube Architects
- Custom Built New Homes Pty Ltd
- Damian Cranswick
- Das Architecture & Design Studio Pty Ltd
- Dash Architects
- David Frazer Design
- David Romaldi Architecture
- DC ARCHITECTURE + Interior Design
- Dept for Housing and Urban Development
- Design MC Pty Ltd
- DesignInc Adelaide Pty Ltd
- Designing Places
- Detail Studio Pty Ltd
- District Council of Loxton Waikerie
- Do Home Design
- Douglas Alexander Architecture + Heritage Pty Ltd
- Drew Rudd Engineers Pty Ltd
- Edge Architects
- Edward Lukac Architect
- EIW Architects
- Enzo Caroscio Architecture & Design
- F & A Property Group Pty Ltd
- FMG Engineering
- FYFE Pty Ltd
- G5 Special Projects Pty Ltd
- Gama Consulting Pty Ltd
- GCC Consulting Pty Ltd
- Gesti Building Services Pty Ltd
- GHD Australia Pty Ltd
- Giordano & Associates Pty Ltd
- Grant Pietsch
- Greenhill Engineers Pty Ltd
- Greenway Architects (SA) Pty Ltd
- Greg Donnell & Associates
- Grieve Gillett Andersen
- Hames Sharley Pty Ltd (SA)
- Hassell
- Hatch Design
- HDS Australia Pty Ltd
- Helen Vaughan Architect
- Hodgkison Architects
- Hosking Willis Architecture
- IA Projects Pty Ltd
- Imparta Engineers
- Innovis Pty Ltd
- Intro Design Pty Ltd
- Jabba Design Pty Ltd
- Jack Adcock Consulting Pty Ltd
- Jacobs
- JBG Architects
- John Byleveld Architects
- JPE Design Studio Pty Ltd
- Katanoo Architects
- Kellogg Brown & Root Pty Ltd (SA)
- Kennett Builders
- Kevin Casey Design
- KHAB Architects
- Kirkbride Architects
- Lelio Bibbo Pty Ltd
- Lello Rositano Architects Pty Ltd
- Little Room Architecture
- Looka Pty Ltd
- Lucid Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd
- Macgregor Architecture
- Martin Goostrey Association Pty Ltd
- Matthews & Partners Pty Ltd
- Messis Studio
- MLEI Consulting Engineers
- Mohyla Architects Interior Designers
- Mountford Williamson Architecture
- MPH Architects
- Murphy Design
- Nielsen Architects
- Nigel Miller Architect
- Norman Disney & Young
- Outerspace Landscape Architects
- OXIGEN Pty Ltd
- P&G Structures P/L
- PACT Architects
- Palumbo
- Paul Langcake Design
- Penna Planning & Design
- Perry Design Pty Ltd
- Personalised Home Designs
- Phillips Pilkington Architects Pty Ltd
- Piteo Architects
- Ply Arch
- Progetto Design
- Proske Architects
- Pruszinski PACT Architects
- PT Design Pty Ltd
- R.W.B.D
- Ridge Design & Drafting
- Russell & Yelland Pty Ltd
- SA Housing Authority
- Sage & Shaw Building Design
- Shannon Architects
- Shape Australia Pty Ltd
- Simon Martin Building Design
- SLP Pty Ltd
- Snohetta Australasia Pty Ltd
- Southfront
- Sproutt Pty Ltd
- Stallard Meek Flightpath
- Stantec Australia Pty Ltd
- Startari Architecture & Project Management
- Stassi Consulting Engineers
- Statewide House Plans
- Structural Systems Pty Ltd
- Stuart J. Patrick & Associates Pty Ltd
- Studio 9 Architects
- Studio-Gram Pty Ltd
- Swanbury Penglase Architects
- System Solutions Engineering Pty Ltd
- T3 Architects
- Taylor Buchtmann Architects
- Taylor Cullity Lethlean
- Tectvs Pty Ltd
- Tendering Specification Systems
- Tesseract International Pty Ltd
- Think Architects
- Thomson Rossi Associates Pty Ltd
- TIA Consulting Pty Ltd
- TMK Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd
- Tonkin Schutz Design + Build
- Tony Wilson
- Triaxial Consulting Pty Ltd
- Tridente Architects
- Trinamic Consultants Pty Ltd
- Troppo Architects (SA) Pty Ltd
- University of South Australia
- Wallbridge Gilbert Aztec
- Walter Brooke & Associates
- Wave of Construction
- WAX Design
- WEBBER Australia
- Wiltshire Swain Pty Ltd
- Woods Bagot Pty Ltd - Adelaide
- WSP Australia Pty Limited
- 1+2 Architecture
- 60 Degrees
- ACOR Consultants Pty Ltd
- Adams Building Design
- Aecom Australia Pty Ltd
- Align Architecture + Interiors
- Ancher Architecture Office
- Andrew Sutherland Consulting Engineers
- Apogee Design
- Architects Designhaus
- Architectus
- Artas Architects
- Arup Australia Services Pty Ltd
- Biotope Architecture.interiors
- Birrell Architects Pty Ltd
- BPSM Architects
- Brighton Council
- Cargill Moore Pty Ltd
- CBM Sustainable Design
- Central Coast Council
- Christopher Clinton Architect
- CIRCA Architecture
- Clever Design
- Core Collective Architects
- COVA Thinking Pty Ltd
- Cox Architecture
- Cumulus Studio Pty Ltd
- Cykel Architecture
- David Denman & Associates
- Degree C Pty Ltd
- Design Intent Architecture
- Edwards + Simpson
- Elphinestone Enterprises Pty Ltd
- Engineering Solutions Tasmania
- Engineering Solutions Tasmania (Hobart)
- Field Labs
- Francis + Burne
- Gaetano Palmese Architects
- Gandy & Roberts Consulting Engineers
- GHD Australia Pty Ltd
- Glenorchy City Council
- Greiner and Associates
- Hassell
- HED Consulting
- Heffernan Button Voss Architects
- Hobart City Council
- Industrial Design Point Pty Ltd
- Inspiring Place
- Interia Design & Architecture
- Jacobs
- Johnstone McGee & Gandy (TAS)
- Lachlan Walsh Design
- Licht Architecture
- Liminal Architecture/Liminal Spaces
- Loci Architecture & Planning
- Loop Architecture Pty Ltd
- LXN Architecture
- m.arkitecture
- MANA Architects
- MCA Architects (TAS) Pty Ltd
- Meander Valley Council
- Michael Wilkinson Architect Pty Ltd
- Morrison & Breytenbach Architects
- Norman Disney & Young
- Paul S.L Johnston Architect
- Phillip Muskett Architect
- Philp Lighton Architect (Launceston)
- Pinnacle Drafting & Design Pty Ltd
- Playstreet Pty Ltd
- Potter Projects
- Preston Lane Architects
- Purcell Architecture Australia Pty Ltd
- Rare Innovation Pty Ltd
- Robert Carroll & Associates Pty
- Rosevear Stephenson
- Spark Architecture
- Stantec Australia Pty Ltd
- Starbox Architecture
- Studio Ilk Architecture & Interiors
- Tasmanian Consulting Service
- Taylor + Hinds Architects
- Terroir Pty Ltd
- Tim Penny Architecture & Interiors
- WSP Australia Pty Limited
- X Squared Architects Pty Ltd
- Zegen Pty Ltd ATF Bendicion Trust T/AS Group
- 1:1 Architects Pty Ltd
- 2Pir Consulting Pty Ltd
- 360 Plans
- 3iD Studios Architecture
- 4D Workshop Pty Ltd
- ACOR Consultants Pty Ltd
- ACRD Pty Ltd
- AD Building Design
- Adams and Associates
- Adapt Design Group Pty Ltd
- ADP Consulting Pty Ltd (VIC)
- Aecom Australia Pty Ltd
- Agero Group P/L
- Airmaster Mechanical Services. (Trading as Integrated Technical Solutions)
- AJB Architects Pty Ltd
- Altereco Design Pty Ltd
- Andrew Louis Straube
- Angelucci Architects
- Annie Lai Pty Ltd
- Another Dimension Building Design
- AOA Christopher Peck
- APA Architecture & Interiors
- Apparte Pty Ltd
- Arch Deli Pty Ltd
- Archiphilia Pty Ltd
- Architecture Architecture
- Architecture Matters Pty Ltd
- Architectus
- Archive Office P/L
- Archsign Pty Ltd
- Ardent Architects
- Arup Australia Services Pty Ltd
- Ascot Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd
- Aspect Studios Pty Ltd
- Atelier Wagner Architects
- Australian United Retailers Ltd
- Avor Architecture Pty Ltd
- B2 Architecture
- B3Architects Pty Ltd
- Bacchus Marsh Design & Drafting Services
- Baenziger Coles Pty Ltd
- Baigents Pty Ltd
- Baldasso Cortese Pty Ltd
- Bamford-Architects
- Bass Coast Shire Council
- Baumgart Clark Architects
- BCA Engineers Pty Ltd
- Beca Pty Ltd (VIC)
- Bent Architecture Pty Ltd
- Bestec VIC
- BG Architecture Pty Ltd
- BHY Architects Pty Ltd
- Blair Architects Pty Ltd
- Blair Smith Architecture
- Bonacci Group Pty Ltd
- Bourke & Bouteloup Architects Pty Ltd
- Brand Architects
- Brayshaw Architects
- Breathe Architecture
- Brett Phipps Architect
- Brogue Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd
- Bryant Alsop Architects Pty Ltd
- BSPN Architecture P/L
- C & K Architecture
- Caisson Design Group P/L
- Caleb Engineers
- Caleb Smith Architect
- Cathi Colla Architects
- Centrum Architects
- City of Ballarat
- City of Greater Bendigo
- City of Melbourne - Architecture Branch
- City of Monash
- Clarke Hopkins Clarke Architects
- Co.op Studio Pty Ltd
- Coeve Design (VIC) Pty Ltd
- Collective Engineering
- Common ADR
- Conservation Studio
- Content Studio Pty Ltd
- Cooper Scaife Architects Pty Ltd
- Cotter Reid Architects
- Cox Architecture
- Craig Tan Architects Pty Ltd
- Crosier Scott Architects
- Crowhurst Building Design
- Crux Productive Pty Ltd
- Cundall (VIC)
- Cunsolo Architects Australia
- Daniel Solarsh Architect
- DCI Building Services Pty Ltd
- Decibel Architecture PTY LTD
- Dept Education and Training (VIC)
- Design Bright Building Design Services
- Design by Jones
- Design Core Architects Pty Ltd
- Design Edge Associates
- Designers by Nature
- DesignInc Melbourne Pty Ltd
- DiMase Architects
- Dino Design
- DKO Architecture
- DLB Design Group Pty Ltd
- DNT Engineering Services Pty Ltd
- Dock4 Architects
- Drafting by Design
- DTE Pty Ltd c/o Tectura
- DWH Aitken & Associates P/L
- DX Architects Pty Ltd
- E Plus Architecture Pty Ltd
- ECM Group
- Edition Office
- Element Architects Pty Ltd
- Elevation7
- Embracia Victoria Head Office
- Emma Mitchell Architects
- Energy Architecture Pty Ltd
- Engineering Folk
- Enlocus Pty Ltd
- Ewers Architecture
- Extended Enterprises Pty Ltd
- Fender Katsalidis (Aust) Pty Ltd
- Fieldwork
- Florian Wild Pty Ltd
- Folk Architects Pty Ltd
- FOOKS Landscape Architecture
- Fooks Martin Sandow Anson
- Foursight Architects
- FPPV Architecture
- G&J Architects
- GbLA
- Genton Pty Ltd (VIC)
- George E Apted and Associates
- GHD Australia Pty Ltd
- Glas Urban Pty Ltd
- GML Projects Pty Ltd
- Gray Puksand
- Grayspace Architects
- Guild Architects
- Guymer Bailey Architects Pty Ltd
- H2o Architects Pty Ltd
- Hachem Australia Pty Ltd
- Hamayer Australia T/A Detail 3
- Hames Sharley (VIC) Pty Ltd
- Haptic Space
- Harris Kmon Solutions
- Haskell Architects Pty Ltd
- Hassell
- Hatch Projects
- Hayball
- Helen Berthelsen Architect
- Henderson & Lodge Pty Ltd
- Homes of Imagination
- HuM Architects Pty Ltd
- Human Habitats
- Hume City Council
- Ian McEwan Designs Pty Ltd
- Icon Corporate Services
- Ikonik Design
- Impact Property Design P/L
- Inhaus Design
- Insite Architects
- Integrated Project Consultants
- Intrax Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd
- Ipsum Structures Pty Ltd
- Iroamd3 P/L
- IS Architecture
- Jackson Clements Burrows
- Jacobs
- Jadyn Wilkinson Building Designs
- James Deans & Associates Pty Ltd
- James Seymour Architecture
- Jane Cameron Architects
- Jennifer Pryce
- JMA Architects
- Joanna Nelson Architect
- John Patrick Landscape Architects Pty Ltd
- Jost Architects
- Joyce Architects
- JWP Architects
- K.P.D.O
- K20 Architecture
- K2LD Architects
- Karavasil Architects Pty Ltd
- Kate Finning
- Katz Architecture
- Kelly Architects
- KG Architecture
- Kinsella Architecture Pty Ltd
- KISS Archtiects
- Kneeler Design Architects
- Knott Black Pty Ltd
- Knox City Council
- Konzepte Melbourne Pty Ltd
- Kosloff Architecture
- Kylie Ashby
- Lai Cheong Brown
- Lamprecht Architects
- Larkitecture
- Law Architects Pty Ltd
- Leggett Loh Design Studio
- Lehr Consultants International
- Leon Lopata Architects
- Lifestyle Communities
- Linea Tecnica Pty Ltd
- Live Load Architects
- Loft Architecture
- Logan Architecture
- Louise Andrew Building Design Solutions
- Lovell Chen Pty Ltd
- Lucy Clemenger Architects
- Luke Fry Architecture
- Lynette Julian Architect
- M & T Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd
- M Moser & Associates Australia Pty Ltd
- MacCormack Associates Consultants
- Maike Design Pty Ltd
- MALA Studio
- Mani Architecture
- Mantric Architecture
- March Studio Pty Ltd
- Mark Bennett Design Studio
- Martinoleah Pty Ltd
- Mathcon Constructions Pty Ltd
- McGregor Coxall [Melbourne]
- McIldowie Partners
- Mcknight & Bray Building Design
- McMahon and Nerlich
- Meinhardt Australia Pty Ltd
- Melbrick Design Group
- METIER3 Pty Ltd
- MG Studio Pty Ltd
- MGS Architects Pty Ltd
- Michael Angus Architecture
- Michael Carr Architect
- Mihaly Slocombe Pty Ltd
- Mills Gorman Architects
- Mimar Design
- Minx Architecture
- Mitsuori Architects
- MJA Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd
- MOC Developments Pty Ltd
- Modus Forma
- Mont Eltham Drafting Pty Ltd
- Morea Architects Pty Ltd
- Morton & Co Architects
- MOS Architects
- Mott MacDonald
- MSA Studio
- MSM and Associates Pty Ltd
- Muir Architecture
- MUSK Studio Pty Ltd
- NAA Studio Pty Ltd
- Nicole Van Krieken - Building Designer
- NIRAS Australia Pty Ltd
- Nock Architecture Pty Ltd
- Norman Disney & Young
- NTC Architects
- Oculus Pty Ltd (VIC)
- Odorisio & Stolfo Architects
- One Design Office Pty Ltd
- Opat Architects
- Open Studio Pty Ltd
- Openwork Pty Ltd
- Orbit Solutions Pty Ltd
- Origin Architects Pty Ltd
- Oscar Sainsbury Architects
- Outlines Landscape Architecture
- Paperarc
- Paul Evans Architect
- Peckvonhartel
- Peddle Thorp Melbourne (Library)
- Pepper & Well Pty Ltd
- Perkins Architects Pty Ltd
- Perks and Co.
- Peter Eliott Pty Ltd
- Peter Gionfriddo Architect
- Peter Vernon Architects
- Place Architects Pty Ltd
- Planned Living Architects
- PLOT Architecture & Urbanism
- PMDL Architecture & Design Pty Ltd
- PMdl Architecture+Design
- Powell & Glenn Pty Ltd
- PRB Design Pty Ltd
- Premier Building & Construction
- Public Realm Lab
- Purcell Architecture Australia Pty Ltd (VIC)
- Quadratum
- R & D Designs Plus
- R.I. Brown
- Ratio Consultants Pty Ltd
- RBA Architects and Conservation Consultants
- Realm Building Design
- Regulating Lines Pty Ltd
- Reynolds Architecture
- Richard Denby Architecture
- Ritz & Ghougassian
- ROAM Architects
- Rob Kennon Architects
- Roberts Ginnever Pty Ltd
- Rod Smith Design
- Roy Hodgson Design Pty Ltd
- Rush Wright Associates
- Ryan Thompson Architect P/L
- Ryman Healthcare
- Saaj Design Pty Ltd
- Sally Draper Architects
- Searle x Waldron Pty Ltd
- Select Architects
- Sense Architecture
- Sense Building Design
- Shepherd Homes
- Sibling Architecture
- Silver Thomas Hanley (AUS) P/L
- Simon Ellis Landscape Architects Pty Ltd
- Simpson Kotzman Pty Ltd
- Siteline Building Design & Planning
- Six Degrees Architects
- SJB Architects Pty Ltd
- Skidmore, Owings & Merrill
- Smith & Tracey Architects
- Soft Loud House Architects
- South Point Building Design
- SPL Architects
- Spowers Architects (VIC) Pty Ltd
- Spring LP Holdco
- Stantec Australia Pty Ltd
- Statkus Architecture Pty Ltd
- Stefanie Richards Architects
- Steffen Welsch Architect
- Stonehouse + Irons Architecture P/L
- Studio Bright
- Studio Ester
- Studio KLA
- Studio W Architects Pty Ltd
- Studiofour
- Sunbeat Studios
- Superior Systems Pty Ltd
- Surfcoast Architecture
- sutersARCH Pty Ltd
- Symplex PTY LTD
- T(A)2 Pty Ltd
- Tandem Design Studio
- Tantaro Design Pty Ltd
- Taylor Cullity Lethlean (VIC)
- Taylor Oppenheim Architects
- Taylor Reynolds Pty Ltd
- Techne Architecture + Interior Design
- Templeton Architecture
- The Retail Group Pty Ltd
- Tim Spicer Architects
- TJ Consulting Engineers
- Tony Di Mase - Architect
- Trevesco Pty Limited T/A SJ Bishop Architect
- TTW (VIC) Pty Ltd
- Turco and Associates
- Umow Lai Victoria Pty Ltd
- Urban Initiatives Pty Ltd
- Ursula Chandler Architects
- VA Sciences Pty Ltd
- van_bert_Design
- Vincent Chrisp & Partners Pty Ltd
- Virtue Homes
- Vistek Pty Ltd
- Walter & Walter Pty Ltd
- Wardle Studio Pty Ltd
- Warren and Mahoney Architects
- Warrnambool City Council
- Water Services Association of Australia
- Waterman AHW (VIC) Pty Ltd
- Watson Young Architects
- Wellington Shire Council
- Wendy Hastrich Architect Pty Ltd
- WGAVIC Pty Ltd
- Whisker Architecture
- Wiesebrock Architecture
- Wilko Architecture
- Wolveridge Architects
- Wood Marsh Architects
- Woods Australia Pty Ltd
- Woods Bagot Pty Ltd (VIC)
- Woollan Hamlett Architects Pty Ltd TA WHDA
- Workroom Design Pty Ltd
- Workshop Architecture Pty Ltd
- WOWOWA Architecture & Interiors
- WSP Australia Pty Limited
- Wyndham City Council
- Y2 Architecture
- Zen Architects Pty Ltd
- 3EM Consultants
- ACOR Consultants Pty Ltd
- Adowra Pty Ltd ATF Shayan Family Trust
- Aecom Australia Pty Ltd
- AEG Engineering
- Airey Taylor Consulting
- AKT Group
- Alphazeta Group Pty Ltd
- Arcadia Building Design
- Archetype Design Studio
- Architects & Co Pty Ltd
- Architecture Group
- Architectus
- Arcologic
- Arconn Pty Ltd
- Armstrong Collective
- Arthouse Design (WA)
- Arup Australia Services Pty Ltd
- ATA Engineering
- Bateman Architects
- BCA Consultants (WA) Pty Ltd
- Beilby Design
- Benson Design
- Benson Studio
- BEST Consultants Pty Ltd
- BG & E Pty Ltd
- Bourne Architecture
- BPA Operations Pty Ltd (WA)
- Braude Architects
- Bravura Design Pty Ltd
- Brunsdon Studio
- Built Ink
- Byron Last Pty Ltd
- Cameron Chisholm & Nicol (WA)
- Capital Engineering Pty Ltd (t/a Capital House Australasia)
- Carabiner
- Cartman Designs
- Carvalho Design Solutions Pty Ltd
- Cast Collective Pty Ltd
- CBD Architects Pty Ltd
- Centigrade Mechanical Contracting
- Christou Design Group
- City of Bunbury
- City of Kalgoorlie Boulder
- City of Perth
- City Of Rockingham
- City of Swan
- City of Wanneroo
- Coastline Design & Drafting
- Collaborative World Consultants
- Collective Design Agency
- Coniglio Ainsworth Architects
- Construction Hydraulic Design Pty Ltd
- Coveney Browne Design
- Cox Architecture
- Daniel Cassettai Design
- Darklight Design
- David Crudeli Architects
- David Wilkes Design
- Davley Building Pty Ltd
- DB Mechanical Consulting
- Define Creations
- Dept of Communities, WA housing
- Dept of Finance, BM&W
- Dept of Planning Lands and Heritage
- Design Synergy
- Desiree Martinez
- Devlin Engineering & Management
- DGK Architects
- Diverse Land Architecture
- Doepel Marsh Architects
- DOL Architecture Pty Ltd
- Donaldson Boshard Architects
- Dpt of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions
- Drafton Pty Ltd
- Drawn By Em
- Duomark Pty Ltd
- DWA Architects
- Dwelling Design
- East Kimberley Design
- Eastman Poletti Sherwood Architects
- Ecoscape
- EIW Architects
- EMP Consulting
- Engawa Architects
- Engenuity Engineering
- Engineering Technology Consultants Pty Ltd
- Enhanced Design & Drafting
- ESC Engineering
- essenziale
- Evoke Interior Design Pty Ltd
- Ferguson Architects
- Floth Pty Ltd
- Forth Consulting
- Foslyn Consulting
- Four Landscape Studio Pty Ltd
- Fraser McAlpine Design
- Fulcrum Partners (AUS) T/A 'The Fulcrum Agency'
- Full Circle Design Services Pty Ltd
- Germano Designs Pty Ltd
- GHD Australia Pty Ltd
- Gresley Abas Architecture Environment Design
- Griffiths Architects
- GSA Engineering
- Guildford Design
- H+H Architects
- H+H Architects (Albany)
- H+H Architects (Bunbury)
- Hames Sharley Pty Ltd
- Hargreaves Design Group
- Hart Architects
- Hassell
- HFM Asset Management
- Hillam Architects
- HMA of WA
- Hocking Heritage & Architecture
- Hodge Collard Preston Architects
- Homeview
- Hume Healthcare Architects
- Hunt Architects
- Hydraulics Design Australia
- Ian Wilkes Architects
- Iredale Pedersen Hook Architects
- Jacobs
- Josh Byrne and Associates
- Judith McDougall Designs
- Keli Harrison
- Kelsie Davies Landscape Architecture
- Kent Lyon Architect Pty Ltd
- Kerry Hill Architects Pty Ltd
- KPA Architects
- KSA Architects & Associates
- Laird Tran Studio
- Landscape Planners
- Light & Space Architects
- Link Engineering Consultants
- LT Architect Pty Ltd
- Luke Schmidt Building Design
- Lurie Concepts
- Mark Phillips Architect
- Matt Buckley Designs
- Matthew Crawford Architects
- Matthews and Scavalli
- MCG Architects
- Merge Building Design
- Michelle Blakeley Architect Pty Ltd
- Milieu Creative
- MJA Studio
- MKA Electrical Design Consultants
- MKDC workspace designers
- Mojo Design Studio
- Monadelphous Properties
- Motivo
- MPS Architects
- Nicola Gibson Architect
- Nikki Ross Architects
- Norman Disney & Young
- Nu Creative Design
- Off2site Projects Pty Ltd
- Office of Regional Architecture
- Officer Woods Architecture Pty Ltd
- Oldfield Knott Architects Pty Ltd
- Olk & Associates
- OTG Hydraulic Design
- Parry & Rosenthal Architects
- Paterson Group Architects
- Paula Mackintosh
- Peak Consultants
- Penhale & Winter
- Perth Landscapes
- Peter Cottee Building Designs
- Peter Hobbs Architect
- Place Laboratory
- Plot Design
- Powerlyt
- Precise Build
- Pritchard Francis Pty Ltd
- Propagule Consulting Pty Ltd ATF Croudace Trust
- PTX Architects
- Quality Design Solutions
- Quattro Project Engineering
- Rad Architecture
- Ricoria Pty Ltd
- RJ Design Studio
- rJdesign
- Roberts Gardiner Architects
- Saleeba Adams Archtecture Pty Ltd
- SCA Architecture Studio Pty Ltd
- Scribe Group Pty Ltd
- Seau Studio
- Security Consulting Group Pty Ltd
- Seedesign Studio
- Shelly Dival Designer
- Shire of Northam
- Silver Thomas Hanley Architects
- Simon Pendal Architect
- Site Architecture Studio
- Skate Sculpture
- Slavin Architects Pty Ltd
- Solar Dwellings
- Sophine Pfuhl Architect
- South Regional TAFE
- Space Collective Architects Pty Ltd
- Spaceagency
- Spax Architecture Pty Ltd
- SPH Architecture and Interior Design
- Stack Design
- Stallion Building Pty Ltd
- Stantec Australia Pty Ltd
- State 28 Interiors
- Steens Gray & Kelly
- Stephen Carrick Architects
- Stevens McGann Willcock & Copping
- Storyline Designs
- Studio Origami Pty Ltd
- T & Z Pty Ltd
- Tascone Design Team
- Taylor Robinson Chaney Broderick
- Terpkos Engineering Pty Ltd
- Terry McKeown Building Design
- The City of South Perth
- The Edwards Design Studio Pty Ltd
- Tim Davies Landscaping
- Timeless Home Designs
- Urbis Pty Ltd
- Vernon Design Group
- Vista Designs
- WA Country Health Service
- Waynes Design and Drafting
- Wells Building Designers and Consultants
- Whitehaus
- Willis Design Group
- With_Architecture Studio
- Woods Bagot Pty Ltd (WA)
- WSP Australia Pty Limited
- XX Engineering Pty Ltd
- Zuideveld Marchant Hur Architects
- New Zealand: Fearon Hay Architects
- Papua New Guinea: University of Technology - Dept of Architecture & Building
- Seladi - 85 Architectural Design Studio
- Vietnam: HBP Project Management Ltd