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As a reference specification, SIMPLE Domestic is not intended to be edited. It includes a checklist of decisions which should be documented either on the drawings or in schedules.
Professional consultants should use the NATSPEC National Building Specification system for architects, building designers, landscape architects, structural engineers and services engineers.
Professional architects, builders and designers should use NATSPEC BUILDNG Domestic or BUILDING Basic.
Project types
New domestic building work
Alterations and additions to an existing dwelling
Size and complexity
Simple, conventional domestic construction which does not require specifications prepared by professional consultants
Typical users
Owner builders.
Architects and building designers should subscribe to the BUILDING Domestic package when engaged for domestic work
What is NATSPEC SIMPLE Domestic?
NATSPEC SIMPLE Domestic specification is reference specification suitable for owner-builders undertaking new domestic building work or alterations and additions, using conventional construction practice under normal conditions covered by Class 1a and Class 10 of the Building Code of Australia. It is published annually and is aligned with the current National Construction Code (NCC) Volume 2 Housing Provisions but any local requirements must take precedence.
It provides a quality statement which defines the minimum level of acceptable materials and workmanship for the building works. It does not require editing or amendment and is intended for inclusion, along with other documents such as drawings and schedules, as a condition of contract for the building works. It assumes all project specific design information is shown on the drawings or in schedules, including the requirements of the consent authority.
For work involving extensive structural design, customised air conditioning, prestige finishes or unusual features, facilities or conditions (e.g snow, high winds, earthquake, bushfire zoning and/or marine exposure), the owner is recommended to engage professional consultants to prepare a customised specification. Professional design consultants should use the NATSPEC national building specification system.
What is a specification?
Specifications are written descriptions of the required quality of the built product and its component products.
Drawings are graphic descriptions which define quantity, position and sometimes quality.
Schedules are written selections, often presented as tables, which form an appendix or addition to another document such as the specification or drawing.
The general requirements of contract, specification, drawings and schedules form the building contract documentation.
Why do I need a specification?
A specification reduces the number of variations, or extras, by enabling a clear understanding of the acceptable level of quality for the project. Without a specification, such as NATSPEC SIMPLE Domestic, you may find a number of extra items resulting in unexpected, substantial additional cost, and you may not receive the quality you would like. For a specification to be enforceable, it needs to be included or referenced in the contractual agreement between you and your contractor.
How do I use NATSPEC SIMPLE Domestic?
SIMPLE Domestic Specification relies on the ‘organiser only’ owner taking responsibility for complying with statutory, local government and other mandatory requirements. A comprehensive checklist of project specific information which may require additional documentation, such as drawings or schedules, is included to assist the owner.
Submit NATSPEC SIMPLE Domestic as part of your development and construction approval application and then include NATSPEC SIMPLE Domestic as part of the building contract to make sure it is enforceable.
Why a NATSPEC SIMPLE Domestic 6-pack?
NATSPEC SIMPLE Domestic is provided individually or in packs of six to satisfy the needs of the project: generally 3 copies as required by your local council, a copy for your records and copies for tendering purposes. Some Councils now have paperless submission requirements. Click on the order button at the bottom of this page to purchase the NATSPEC SIMPLE Domestic pdf online.
Worksections included
0131 Preliminaries
0180 Common requirements
0184 Termite management
0201 Demolition
0221 Site preparation
0222 Earthwork
0223 Service trenching
0242 Landscape – fences and barriers
0250 Landscape – gardening
0271 Pavement base and subbase
0274 Concrete pavement
0276 Paving - sand bed
0310 Concrete
0331 Brick and block construction
0342 Light steel framing
0382 Light timber framing
0383 Decking, sheet and panel flooring
0411 Waterproofing – external and tanking
0420 Roofing
0430 Cladding
0451 Windows and glazed doors
0453 Doors and access panels
0454 Overhead doors
0455 Door hardware
0467 Glass components
0471 Insulation and pliable membranes
0511 Lining
0551 Joinery
0572 Miscellaneous fixtures and appliances
0611 Rendering and plastering
0621 Waterproofing – wet areas
0631 Ceramic tiles
0651 Resilient finishes
0652 Carpets
0654 Multilayered board flooring
0655 Timber flooring
0656 Floor sanding and finishing
0671 Painting
0702 Mechanical design and install
0802 Hydraulic design and install
0902 Electrical design and install