TECHreports are detailed reference documents providing a deeper understanding of particular construction related topics than is possible with a brief NATSPEC TECHnote. TECHreports are cited within the NATSPEC worksections where appropriate but may also be read for general interest. TECHnotes are researched and written by the NATSPEC editors and externally reviewed. Currency is maintained by the NATSPEC editorial team and TECHreports are updated twice a year.
Specification Writing
TR 01 Specifying ESD
TR 03 Specifying Design and Construct for Mechanical services
TR 04 NATSPEC for refurbishment, retrofitting and adaptive re-use
TR 05 Selection and design of Building IT systems
TR 06 Procurement Past and present
TR 07 Providing access for maintenance
TR 08 Management of Gravel Pits in country areas